We are happy to announce the release of netty 4.1.74.Final. This release is a bug-fix release.
The most important changes are:
- Introduce Http2DataChunkedInput to send chunked Http2 Data Frames (#12066)
- Don’t set the writerIndex to incorrect value when scattering reads are used for datagrams (#12076)
- Support RFC 8879 Certificate Compression for TLSv1.3 (#12012)
- Release DnsQuery in case of failure to prevent leak (#12048)
- Propagate BindException in DnsNameResolver (#12034)
- Avoid masking the cause of availability failures for the Mac DNS provider (#12039)
- Added Fragment-Host declaration to bundles shipping native libs (#12018)
- Don’t strip scopeId when resolving ipv6 address (#12019)
- Try to not recycle objects back to terminated threads (#11996)
For the details and all changes, please browse our issue tracker for 4.1.74.Final.
转自 https://netty.io/news/2022/02/08/4-1-74-Final.html