
HttpClient 5.0.3,4.5.13 发布

Release 5.0.3

This is a maintenance release that fixes incorrect handling of malformed authority component
in request URIs.


* Incorrect handling of malformed authority component by URIUtils#extractHost.
Contributed by Oleg Kalnichevski <olegk at apache.org>

转自 https://downloads.apache.org/httpcomponents/httpclient/RELEASE_NOTES-5.0.x.txt

Release 4.5.13

This is a maintenance release that fixes incorrect handling of malformed authority component
in request URIs.


* Incorrect handling of malformed authority component by URIUtils#extractHost.
Contributed by Oleg Kalnichevski <olegk at apache.org>

* Avoid updating Content-Length header in a 304 response.
Contributed by Dirk Henselin <dirk.henselin at vwgis.de>

* Bug fix: BasicExpiresHandler is annotated as immutable but is not (#239)
Contributed by Gary Gregory <ggregory at apache.org>

* HTTPCLIENT-2076: Fixed NPE in LaxExpiresHandler (#222).
Contributed by heejeongkim <aprilhjk at gmail.com>

转自 https://downloads.apache.org/httpcomponents/httpclient/RELEASE_NOTES-4.5.x.txt

下载 https://downloads.apache.org/httpcomponents/httpclient/source/,https://downloads.apache.org/httpcomponents/httpclient/binary/