
Spring Cloud 2020.0.6 可用

Spring Cloud 2020.0.6 可用

On behalf of the community, I am pleased to announce the Spring Cloud 2020.0.6 Release Train is available today. The release can be found in Maven Central. You can check out the 2020.0.6 release notes for more information. Please consider upgrading to the latest 2021.0.x release train since the 2020.0.x release train has reached the end of OSS support.

Notable Changes in the 2020.0.6 Release

This is primarily a bugfix and dependency upgrade release, including backports of various issues over from 2021.0.x releases. Some enhancements have also been backported.

See the project page for all issues included in the release.

Spring Cloud Commons

  • Backported bug fixes from 2021.0.x
  • Backported passing on request data to LoadBalancerLifecycle beans for the blocking Spring Cloud LoadBalancer implementation (#1090)

Spring Cloud OpenFeign

  • Backported bug fixes from 2021.0.x

Spring Cloud Netflix

  • Backported bug fixes from 2021.0.x

The following modules were updated as part of 2020.0.6:

Module Version Issues
Spring Cloud Stream 3.1.6
Spring Cloud Config 3.0.7
Spring Cloud Build 3.0.5  https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-sleuth/milestone/99?closed=1
Spring Cloud Sleuth 3.0.6 (issues)
Spring Cloud Contract 3.0.6 ([issues](  https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-contract/milestone/91?closed=1))
Spring Cloud Starter Build 2020.0.6
Spring Cloud Gateway 3.0.8
Spring Cloud Consul 3.0.7
Spring Cloud Netflix 3.0.6
Spring Cloud Cloudfoundry 3.0.3
Spring Cloud Vault 3.0.5
Spring Cloud Kubernetes 2.0.6
Spring Cloud Bus 3.0.3
Spring Cloud Zookeeper 3.0.5
Spring Cloud Task 2.3.5
Spring Cloud Cli 3.0.4
Spring Cloud Commons 3.0.6
Spring Cloud Openfeign 3.0.7
Spring Cloud Function 3.1.6
Spring Cloud Circuitbreaker 2.0.3

As always, we welcome feedback on GitHub, on Gitter, on Stack Overflow, or on Twitter.

To get started with Maven with a BOM (dependency management only):


or with Gradle:

plugins {
  id 'org.springframework.boot' version '2.4.13'
  id 'io.spring.dependency-management' version '1.0.11.RELEASE'
  id 'java'

group = 'com.example'
version = '0.0.1-SNAPSHOT'
sourceCompatibility = '8'

repositories {

ext {
  set('springCloudVersion', "2020.0.6")

dependencies {
  implementation 'org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-starter-config'
  implementation 'org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-starter-netflix-eureka-client'

dependencyManagement {
  imports {
    mavenBom "org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-dependencies:${springCloudVersion}"

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转自 https://spring.io/blog/2022/06/30/spring-cloud-2020-0-6-is-available