
MongooseJS 4.11.13 发布,MongoDB 连接包

MongooseJS 4.11.13 已发布,MongooseJS 是使用 JavaScript 编程,连接 MongoDB 数据库的软件包,使 MongoDB 的文档数据模型变的优雅起来,方便对 MongoDB 文档型数据库的连接和增删改查等常规数据操作。


  • fix(query): correctly run replaceOne with update validators #5665 sime1
  • fix(schema): replace mistype in setupTimestamp method #5656 zipp3r
  • fix(query): avoid throwing cast error for strict: throw with nested id in query #5640
  • fix(model): ensure class gets combined schema when using class syntax with discriminators #5635
  • fix(document): handle setting doc array to array of top-level docs #5632
  • fix(model): handle casting findOneAndUpdate() with overwrite and upsert #5631
  • fix(update): correctly handle $ in updates #5628
  • fix(types): handle manual population consistently for unshift() and splice() #5504



转自 http://www.oschina.net/news/89051/mongoose-4-11-13