
Tails 3.2 发布,内建因特网匿名访问的 Linux 发行版

Tails 3.2 发布,内建因特网匿名访问的 Linux 发行版

Tails3.2 发布了,Tails(The Amnesic Incognito Live System) 是基于 Debian 的自启动光盘或 USB 发行,其目标是为用户提供完整的因特网匿名功能。


Major changes :

  • Upgrade Linux packages to the Debian kernel 4.12.0-2, based on mainline Linux 4.12.12 (Closes: #11831, #12732, #14673).

Security fixes :

  • Upgrade Tor Browser to 7.0.6-build3 (Closes: #14696).
  • Upgrade to Thunderbird 52.3.0 (Closes: #12639).
  • Deny access to Pidgin’s D-Bus service (Closes: #14612). That D-Bus interface is dangerous because it allows _any_ application running as `amnesia’ that has access to the session bus to extract basically any information from Pidgin and to reconfigure it: https://developer.pidgin.im/wiki/DbusHowto
  • Block loading of Bluetooth kernel modules (Closes: #14655) and block Bluetooth devices with rfkill (Closes: #14655).
  • Add localhost.localdomain to the hosts file to prevent loopback leaks to Tor circuits (Closes: #13574). Thanks to tailshark for the patch!



转自 http://www.oschina.net/news/89159/tails-3-2