
MongooseJS 4.12.3 发布,MongoDB 连接包

MongooseJS 4.12.3 已发布,MongooseJS 是使用 JavaScript 编程,连接 MongoDB 数据库的软件包,使 MongoDB 的文档数据模型变的优雅起来,方便对 MongoDB 文档型数据库的连接和增删改查等常规数据操作。


  • fix(connection): emit ‘reconnect’ event as well as ‘reconnected’ for consistency with driver #5719
  • fix: correctly bubble up left/joined events for replica set #5718
  • fix(connection): allow passing in autoIndex as top-level option rather than requiring config autoIndex #5711
  • docs(connection): improve docs regarding reconnectTries, autoReconnect, and bufferMaxEntries #5711
  • fix(query): handle null with addToSet/push/pull/pullAll update validators #5710
  • fix(model): handle setDefaultsOnInsert option for bulkWrite updateOne and updateMany #5708
  • fix(query): avoid infinite recursion edge case when cloning a buffer #5702


转自 http://www.oschina.net/news/89651/mongoosejs-4-12-3