
Swagger UI 3.6.0 发布,API 在线文档生成利器

Swagger UI 3.6.0 已发布,这是一款 API 在线文档生成和调试工具。

该版本包含了一个显着的性能改进,这要归功于 Swagger-Client 的改变。$ ref-dense 定义现在应该能够更快速地初始化渲染!此外,还包括:

  • 接口更改:OAuth2 requests are now subject to request and response interception.
  • 特性:added support for OAS3 path and operation-level server definitions (via #3972)
  • 改进:removed Try-It-Out download link requirement that the response have a Content-Length (via #3895)
  • 改进:connected OAuth2 requests to requestInterceptor and responseInterceptorconfiguration options.
  • 改进:added type examples for header definitions (via #3967)
  • 修正:parameter validation now tolerates OAS3 parameters that lack a schema property
  • 修正:paremeter enums, especially with Boolean types, now display more accurately (via #3964)



转自 http://www.oschina.net/news/91295/swagger-ui-3-6-0