
GitLab 10.3.0 和 10.4.0 pre 发布

GitLab 10.3.0 和 10.4.0 pre 发布

GitLab 10.3.0 和 10.4.0 pre 发布了。

10.3.0 主要更新内容:

Security (1 change, 1 of them is from the community)

  • Upgrade jQuery to 2.2.4. !15570 (Takuya Noguchi)

Fixed (55 changes, 8 of them are from the community)

  • Fail jobs if its dependency is missing. !14009
  • Fix errors when selecting numeric-only labels in the labels autocomplete selector. !14607 (haseebeqx)
  • Fix pipeline status transition for single manual job. This would also fix pipeline duration becuse it is depending on status transition. !15251
  • Fix acceptance of username for Mattermost service update. !15275
  • Set the default gitlab-shell timeout to 3 hours. !15292

更多内容请查看 ChangeLog


10.4.0 pre 暂未提供更新内容,你可以关注 ChangeLog发布主页

转自 http://www.oschina.net/news/91771/gitlab-10-3-0-and-10-4-0