
Mongoose 5.2.5 发布,MongoDB 异步对象模型工具

Mongoose 5.2.5 发布了,Mongoose 是在 Node.js 异步环境下对 MongoDB 进行便捷操作的对象模型工具。


  • fix(boolean): expose convertToTrue and convertToFalse for custom boolean casting #6758
  • docs(schematypes): add note about what values are converted to booleans #6758
  • fix(document): fix(document): report castError when setting single nested doc to array #6753
  • docs: prefix mongoose.Schema call with new operator #6751 sajadtorkamani
  • docs(query): add examples and links to schema writeConcern option for writeConcern helpers #6748
  • docs(middleware): clarify that init middleware is sync #6747
  • perf(model): create error rather than modifying stack for source map perf #6735
  • fix(model): throw helpful error when passing object to aggregate() #6732
  • fix(model): pass Model instance as context to applyGetters when calling getters for virtual populate #6726 lineus
  • fix(documentarray): remove isNew and save listeners on CastError because otherwise they never get removed #6723
  • docs(model+query): clarify when to use countDocuments() vs estimatedDocumentCount() #6713
  • fix(populate): correctly set virtual nestedSchemaPath when calling populate() multiple times #6644
  • docs(connections): add note about the family option for IPv4 vs IPv6 and add port to example URIs #6566



转自 https://www.oschina.net/news/98275/mongoose-5-2-5-released