
Apache Commons Compress 1.18 发布

Apache Commons Compress 1.18 已发布,这是一个 Bug 修复版本, ZIP 软件包的其中一项更改修复了一个可以被用作拒绝服务攻击的漏洞。



New features:

  • It is now possible to specify the arguments of zstd-jni’s ZstdOutputStream constructors via Commons Compress as well.

Fixed Bugs:

  • The example Expander class has been vulnerable to a path traversal in the edge case that happens when the target directory has a sibling directory and the name of the target directory is a prefix of the sibling directory’s name.
  • Changed the OSGi Import-Package to also optionally import javax.crypto so encrypted archives can be read.
  • Changed various implementations of the close method to better ensure all held resources get closed even if exceptions are thrown during the closing the stream.
  • ZipArchiveInputStream can now detect the APK Signing Block used in signed Android APK files and treats it as an “end of archive” marker.
  • The cpio streams didn’t handle archives using a multi-byte encoding properly.
  • ZipArchiveInputStream#read would silently return -1 on a corrupted stored entry and even return > 0 after hitting the end of the archive.
  • ArArchiveInputStream#read would allow to read from the stream without opening an entry at all.


Commons Compress 用以实现将文件压缩或解压成 tar、zip、bzip2 等格式。


ArArchiveEntry entry = new ArArchiveEntry(name, size);


ArArchiveEntry entry = (ArArchiveEntry) arInput.getNextEntry();
byte[] content = new byte[entry.getSize()];
LOOP UNTIL entry.getSize() HAS BEEN READ {
    arInput.read(content, offset, content.length - offset);

转自 https://www.oschina.net/news/99024/apache-commons-compress-1-18-released