
Kamailio 5.2.0 发布,开源 SIP 服务器

Kamailio v5.2.0 已发布,这是 5.xy 系列中的第三个主要版本,历经九个月的开发和大约两个月的测试,包含大量新功能和改进。

总的来说,新版本为 70 多个现有模块带来了  6 个新模块及功能改进,以及核心和内部库的组件以及嵌入式解释器的优化( KEMI 框架),更新亮点:

  • Kamailio Embedded Interface (KEMI) framework has been developed further to offer more functions exported by Kamailio. A tutorial is available:
  • Besides the old options for native scripting, Lua, Python2, JavaScript, Squirrel, the SIP Routing Logic can be now also written in Python3 and Ruby
  • Many of the conditions with core keywords are available as functions exported by KEMI, optimizing the execution time for some common use cases
  • dispatcher – the load balancer module – had some internal refactoring to leverage modern XAVP for more flexibility and performances, as well as new functions to enable using of several destination groups and algorithms in the same routing step
  • Redis can be used as a database backend for most of the modules (e.g., to replace MySQL or Postgres backends)
  • RTPEngine introduced transcoding capability



转自 https://www.oschina.net/news/102204/kamailio-5-2-0-released