
Atom 1.33.0 和 1.34.0-beta0 发布,跨平台文本编辑器

GitHub 的文本编辑器 Atom 1.33.0 和 1.34.0-beta0 已发布。

Atom 1.33.0 值得关注的变化

  • Added built-in support for Rust using Tree-sitter (#18257)
  • Improved soft-wrapping behavior (#18287)
  • Added the ability to disable packages’ snippets (#18261)
  • Moved the ‘Undo Discard’ button in the Git panel into a context menu (atom/github#1702)
  • Added a commit list to the GitHub panel (atom/github#1684)
  • Adding Git / GitHub icons to the status bar (atom/github#1704)
  • Fixed an issue where Linux users were unable to push or fetch Git branches with the GitHub package on distributions with libcurl4 installed (#18201)
  • Fixed an issue where the Toggle Line Comments command created the wrong kinds of comments in files with multiple languages (#18334)
  • Fixed multiple syntax highlighting issues and other issues involving the tree sitter parser:

Atom 1.34.0-beta0 值得关注的变化



Atom 是 GitHub 专门为程序员推出的一个跨平台文本编辑器。具有简洁和直观的图形用户界面,并有很多有趣的特点:支持 CSS,HTML,JavaScript 等网页编程语言。它支持宏,自动完成分屏功能,集成了文件管理器。

Atom 1.33.0 和 1.34.0-beta0 发布,跨平台文本编辑器转自 https://www.oschina.net/news/102205/atom-1-33-0-released