
Ionic 4.0.2 发布,移动应用开发框架

Ionic 4.0.2 发布了,Ionic 是一个高级的 HTML5 移动端应用框架,也是一个开发混合移动应用的前端框架。


Bug Fixes

  • button: show proper shade for activated button on ios (#17508) (3a9b679), closes #17436
  • config: update types for scrollPadding, inputBlurring and hideCaretOnScroll to boolean (#17302) (39fbc32)
  • datetime: default to current date when no value given (#17443) (644f9f4)
  • item-sliding: sliding no longer breaks after removing an item (#17492) (e27bb2e)
  • range: implement RTL (from PR 17157) (#17384) (4f203bc), closes #17012
  • searchbar: allow setting of toolbar color and searchbar color (#17474) (ba4e117)
  • select: account for when options are not loaded immediately (#17405) (f9f1775)
  • tab-bar: add translucent tab-bar styles back (#17376) (374bd77)


转自 https://www.oschina.net/news/104567/ionic-4-0-2-released