
Apache isis-parent 2.0.0-m4 发布,领域驱动设计的Java框架

Apache isis-parent 2.0.0-m4 发布,领域驱动设计的Java框架 isis-parent-2.0.0-M4-source-release.zip     2020-10-17 11:23  111M
Apache isis-parent 2.0.0-m4 发布,领域驱动设计的Java框架 isis-parent-2.0.0-M4-source-release.zip.asc 2020-10-17 11:23  849
Apache isis-parent 2.0.0-m4 发布,领域驱动设计的Java框架 isis-parent-2.0.0-M4-source-release.zip.md5 2020-10-17 11:23   32

转自 https://downloads.apache.org/isis/isis-parent/

This is a further milestone release, consolidating the “re-platforming” of Apache Isis on top of Spring Boot.

Much of the emphasis in this release has been on stabilisation and regression testing. That said, there are some new features. The release includes support for a new (additional) programming model for action parameters, allowing for more sophisticated management of parameters that interact with each other. On the flip side, support for contributed actions from domain services has been removed; use Mixinsinstead.

This release also has a reworking/simplification of the command service and background commands. This includes new extension modules to persist commands (Command Log and Command Replay, to assist regression testing.

Also in this release, the Kroviz client has been brought into the incubator. This is a single-page app that runs within the browser to provide a UI similar to that of the Wicket Viewer, but interacting with the domain application exclusively through the REST API provided by the Restful Objects Viewer.

The release also includes some preliminary work preparing the way for support for JPA (as an alternative to JDO/DataNucleus. This support is expected to be in the next milestone release.

Other work done in this release includes an experimental porting of the build system from Maven to gradle (though Maven is for now still the official build system of the framework).

The example demo app has also been fleshed out considerably as both a regression tests and to provide living documentation; the docker image can be downloaded from docker hub.

New Feature

  • ISIS-2422 – Treat schema DTOs (InteractionDto, ChangesDto, CommandDto) as value types.
  • ISIS-2416 – Allow action domain event handlers to change argument in the executing phase.
  • ISIS-2400 – Allow sections within menubars.layout.xml to have a name …​ then appear in the menu
  • ISIS-2397 – Add removeAll to RepositoryService API
  • ISIS-2367 – Promote @Model support from ‘incubator’ to ‘extension’
  • ISIS-2362 – New Programming Model for Action Parameters
  • ISIS-2340 – New common UI Model Module
  • ISIS-2333 – Add Object Mixin for graphical Metamodel Inspection
  • ISIS-2312 – Add Jdo Metamodel Download Menu (Zip)
  • ISIS-2278 – Reinstate background commands for entities, incorporate fix ISIS-2277 from v1
  • ISIS-2276 – BackgroundCommandExecution – should use a different persistent session for each command
  • ISIS-2232 – Remove support for domain services contributing properties, collections or actions. (Use mixins instead).
  • ISIS-1536 – BackgroundService should fail-fast if there is no BackgroundCommandService implementation available to persist the command.
  • ISIS-1281 – Provide a programming API (probably via domain events) to allow object visibility to be vetoed.

更多 https://isis.apache.org/relnotes/2.0.0-M4/2020/2.0.0-M4/relnotes.html