
HHVM 4.94.0, 4.88.1, 4.91.1, 4.92.1, and 4.93.1 发布

HHVM 4.94 is released! This release marks the end of support for 4.86; HHVM 4.87–4.93 remain supported, as do the 4.56 and 4.80 LTS releases.

Additionally, 4.88.1, 4.91.1, 4.92.1, and 4.93.1 have been released, fixing a segmentation fault on machines with less than 8GB of RAM.

(Note: HHVM 4.89 and 4.90 were skipped.)


  • Fixed a regression where HHVM would segfault on startup on systems with less than 8GB of RAM; this included most TravisCI and CircleCI configurations.
  • Fixed line numbers for some runtime errors being incorrectly reported as -1.
  • Fixed debug_zval_dump() incorrectly reporting a refcount of 1 for uncounted or static values; these are now explicitly marked as uncounted or static.
  • The error message for attempting to use first class function pointer syntax with instance methods (as opposed to static methods) now suggests meth_caller().
  • first class function pointers are now supported by debugging functions such as print_rvar_dump, and = in hphpd.

Breaking Changes

  • Fixed a bug that led to a typechecker error not being consistently raised when function has a parameter with a default argument followed by another parameter without a default argument.
  • The runtime will now throw undefined variable exceptions instead of raising a notice.
转自 https://hhvm.com/blog/2021/01/25/hhvm-4.94.html