
Alibaba Nacos 2.0.2发布

In this version, Nacos community have done a lot of optimizations for the features of the upgrade from 1.X to 2.0.X, such as fixed problems that may be encountered during the upgrade, and added some APIs to query and repair the data during the upgrade.

At the same time, Nacos community also strengthened features, such as configuring CAS release, adding Distro synchronization statistics, and optimizing log error information.

What’s more, Nacos community do lots of refactors and unit test.

Detail see:


[#2843] Adding CAS publish config in client.
[#5686] Add Distro monitor info in naming-performance log.
[#5719] Add some API to query and fix upgrade data.
[#5756] Support to specify ephemeral value for createService.
[#5952] Feature make naming rpc client aware of server list change.
[#6019] Support fetching server list from endpoint with namespace.


[#4208] Support config multiple server list by ‘,’ and ‘;’.
[#5747] Support of specifying NAMING_CACHE_REGISTRY_DIR property.
[#5775] Persist the cluster upgrade state.
[#5713] Enhance the query config behavior in console.
[#5949] Enhance gRPC error hint logs.
[#6015] Add/Remove client instance cache before call server.


[#3046] Enhancement for constant variables.
[#5689] Refactor nacos example.
[#5717][#5727][#5771][#5774][#5762][#5802][#5836][#5843][#5877][#5904][#5915][#6010] Enhance code quality.
[#5888] Refactor resourceParser groupName change the splicing method.


[#5574] Remove downgraded member version info.
[#5559] Fix can’t resolve symbol ‘istio’ when I switch branch of source code to 2.0.0.
[#5671] Fix dismiss service groupName after upgrade to 2.0.X.
[#5692] Fix Deleted service will still exist after upgrade to 2.0.X.
[#5765] Fix localhost can’t be used in nacos-server.
[#5782] Fix persistent instances of v2 model cannot be removed by DoubleWrite removal tasks.
[#5798] Fix upgraded server cannot downgrade and upgrade again.
[#5831] Fix naming client may register the old one instance when reconnecting to server.
[#5835] Fix create user error.
[#5870] Fix doubleWrite may register persistence instance as ephemeral.
[#5872] Fix server may downgrade to 1.X model when one of node restart.
[#5918] Fix notifyCenter may cause naming data inconsistent.
[#5927] Fix tcp check will invalid after restart 2.0 model server.
[#5934] Fix can’t overwrite the original configuration file when importing configuration file.
[#5937] Fix auth problem for client when use ak sk.
[#5971] Fix Naming API can’t adapt after upgrading to v2.x.


[#5805][#5123][#5153][#5521][#5522][#5663]Add unit test for nacos 2.0.

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转自 https://github.com/alibaba/nacos/releases