DoudouLinux 1.0,给孩子们准备的发行版

DoudouLinux is a Debian-based distribution targeting young children, with a goal to make computer use as simple and pleasant as possible. The project's version 1.0,doudou_linux code name "Gondwana". DoudouLinux provides tens of applications that suit children from 2 to 12 years old and gives them an environment as easy to use as a gaming console. Kids can learn, discover and have fun without dad and mum always watching!"
DoudouLinux(豆豆Linux)是一个基于dibian,面向小孩子,致力于使计算机的使用尽可能简单与令人愉悦的Linux发行。该项目DoudouLinux 1.0版本豆豆Linux,代码名叫做“Gondwana”。DoudouLinux提供了上十个适合2至12周岁小孩使用的应用,并提供给他们一个和游戏控制台一样易用的环境。孩子们可以学习,发现和玩耍,无需爸妈时常陪伴在身边。

The latest release of Doudoulinux is "The version 1.0 of the project is finally ready, after a year of happy work! To mark this event, we named this version Gondwana, for the super-continent which included most of the landmasses in today's southern hemisphere, before the breakup into several continents due to plate tectonics. DoudouLinux provides tens of applications that suit children from 2 to 12 years old and gives them an environment as easy to use as a gaming console. Kids can learn, discover and have fun without dad and mum always watching!"
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时间:2011-06-20 23:23 作者:chenkan 原文链接

