
PHP 7.0.22 和 7.1.8 正式发布,多项内容修复

PHP 7.0.22 和 7.1.8 正式发布,多项内容修复

PHP 7.0.22和7.1.8 正式发布了。PHP(PHP:Hypertext Preprocessor)是一种在电脑上执行的脚本语言,主要是用途在于处理动态网页,也包含了命令列执行接口(command line interface),或者产生图形使用者接口(GUI)程式。改进日志如下:

03 Aug 2017, PHP 7.1.8

– Core:
. Fixed bug #74832 (Loading PHP extension with already registered function name leads to a crash). (jpauli)
. Fixed bug #74780 (parse_url() broken when query string contains colon). (jhdxr)
. Fixed bug #74761 (Unary operator expected error on some systems). (petk)
. Fixed bug #73900 (Use After Free in unserialize() SplFixedArray). (nikic)
. Fixed bug #74923 (Crash when crawling through network share). (Anatol)
. Fixed bug #74913 (fixed incorrect poll.h include). (petk)
. Fixed bug #74906 (fixed incorrect errno.h include). (petk)

– Date:
. Fixed bug #74852 (property_exists returns true on unknown DateInterval property). (jhdxr)

– OCI8:
. Fixed bug #74625 (Integer overflow in oci_bind_array_by_name). (Ingmar Runge)

– Opcache:
. Fixed bug #74623 (Infinite loop in type inference when using HTMLPurifier). (nikic)

– OpenSSL:
. Fixed bug #74798 (pkcs7_en/decrypt does not work if \x0a is used in content). (Anatol)
. Added OPENSSL_DONT_ZERO_PAD_KEY constant to prevent key padding and fix bug #71917 (openssl_open() returns junk on envelope < 16 bytes) and bug #72362 (OpenSSL Blowfish encryption is incorrect for short keys). (Jakub Zelenka)

– PDO:
. Fixed bug #69356 (PDOStatement::debugDumpParams() truncates query). (Adam Baratz)

– SPL:
. Fixed bug #73471 (PHP freezes with AppendIterator). (jhdxr)

– SQLite3:
. Fixed bug #74883 (SQLite3::__construct() produces “out of memory” exception with invalid flags). (Anatol)

– Wddx:
. Fixed bug #73173 (huge memleak when wddx_unserialize). (tloi at fortinet dot com)

– zlib:
. Fixed bug #73944 (dictionary option of inflate_init() does not work). (wapmorgan)

03 Aug 2017 PHP 7.0.22

– Core:
. Fixed bug #74832 (Loading PHP extension with already registered function name leads to a crash). (jpauli)
. Fixed bug #74780 (parse_url() borken when query string contains colon).  (jhdxr)
. Fixed bug #74761 (Unary operator expected error on some systems). (petk)
. Fixed bug #73900 (Use After Free in unserialize() SplFixedArray). (nikic)
. Fixed bug #74913 (fixed incorrect poll.h include). (petk)
. Fixed bug #74906 (fixed incorrect errno.h include). (petk)

– Date:
. Fixed bug #74852 (property_exists returns true on unknown DateInterval property). (jhdxr)

– OCI8:
. Fixed bug #74625 (Integer overflow in oci_bind_array_by_name). (Ingmar Runge)

– Opcache:
. Fixed bug #74840 (Opcache overwrites argument of GENERATOR_RETURN within finally). (Bob)

– PDO:
. Fixed bug #69356 (PDOStatement::debugDumpParams() truncates query). (Adam Baratz)

– SPL:
. Fixed bug #73471 (PHP freezes with AppendIterator). (jhdxr)

– SQLite3:
. Fixed bug #74883 (SQLite3::__construct() produces “out of memory” exception with invalid flags). (Anatol)

– Wddx:
. Fixed bug #73173 (huge memleak when wddx_unserialize). (tloi at fortinet dot com)

– zlib:
. Fixed bug #73944 (dictionary option of inflate_init() does not work). (wapmorgan)


7.2.0 beta2 也已发布,更新如下:

03 Aug 2017, PHP 7.2.0beta2

– Core:
. Implemented FR #74963 (Improved error message on fetching property of non-object). (Laruence)
. Fixed bug #74947 (Segfault in scanner on INF number). (Laruence)
. Fixed bug #74954 (null deref and segfault in zend_generator_resume()). (Bob)

– CLI:
. Fixed bug #74979 (Interactive shell opening instead of script execution with -f flag). (Anatol)

– cURL:
. Fixed bug #74125 (Fixed finding CURL on systems with multiarch support). (cebe)

– Intl:
. Fixed bug #74993 (Wrong reflection on some locale_* functions). (Sara)

– Mbstring:
. Fixed bug #69267 (mb_strtolower fails on titlecase characters). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #71606 (Segmentation fault mb_strcut with HTML-ENTITIES encoding). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #62934 (mb_convert_kana() does not convert iteration marks). (Nikita)

– MySQLi:
. Fixed bug #74968 (PHP crashes when calling mysqli_result::fetch_object with an abstract class). (Anatol)

– OCI8:
. Expose oci_unregister_taf_callback() (Tianfang Yang)

– Opcache:
. Fixed bug #74980 (Narrowing occurred during type inference). (Laruence)

– OpenSSL:
. Fixed bug #74903 (openssl_pkcs7_encrypt() uses different EOL than before). (Anatol)

– phar:
. Fixed bug #74991 (include_path has a 4096 char limit in some cases). (bwbroersma)

– Reflection:
. Fixed bug #74949 (null pointer dereference in _function_string). (Laruence)

– Session:
. Fixed bug #74892 (Url Rewriting (trans_sid) not working on urls that start with “#”). (Andrew Nester)
. Fixed bug #74936 (session_cache_expire/cache_limiter/save_path() trigger a warning in read mode). (morozov)
. Fixed bug #74941 (session fails to start after having headers sent).  (morozov)
. Fixed bug #74833 (SID constant created with wrong module number). (Anatol)

– SimpleXML:
. Fixed bug #74950 (nullpointer deref in simplexml_element_getDocNamespaces). (Laruence)

– SPL:
. Fixed bug #74669 (Unserialize ArrayIterator broken). (Andrew Nester)
. Fixed bug #74977 (Appending AppendIterator leads to segfault). (Andrew Nester)
. Fixed bug #75015 (Crash in recursive iterator destructors). (Julien)

– Standard:
. Fixed bug #74851 (uniqid() without more_entropy performs badly). (Emmanuel Dreyfus)


转自 http://www.oschina.net/news/87348/php-7-0-22-and-7-1-8