
Vue 3.3.0-alpha.5 发布

Vue 3.3.0-alpha.5 发布

Bug Fixes

  • runtime-core: support getCurrentInstance across mutiple builds of Vue (8d2d5bf)
  • types: ensure defineProps with generics return correct types (c288c7b)


  • dx: improve readability of displayed types for props (4c9bfd2)
  • types/jsx: support jsxImportSource, avoid global JSX conflict (#7958) (d0b7ef3)


  • Vue no longer registers the global JSX namespace by default. This is necessary to avoid global namespace collision with React so that TSX of both libs can co-exist in the same project. This should not affect SFC-only users with latest version of Volar.

    For TSX users, the old global behavior can be enabled by explicitly importing or referencing vue/jsx. Alternatively, the user can set jsxImportSource to 'vue' in tsconfig.json, or opt-in per file with /* @jsxImportSource vue */.

    Note this is a type-only breaking change in a minor release, which adheres to our release policy.

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