
Apache Tomcat 9.0.1 (beta) 和 8.5.23 发布

Apache Tomcat 9.0.1 (beta) 和 8.5.23 发布

Apache Tomcat 9.0.1 (beta) 和 8.5.23 已发布。

Apache Tomcat 9.0.1 是 9.0.x 分支的首个 beta 版,与 9.0.0.M26 相比,有以下值得关注的变更:

  • This is the first release after the publication of the Servlet 4.0 specification and fully implements the new specification.
  • A fix for CVE-2017-12617.
  • The ability to update the TLS configuration without restarting Tomcat or the TLS connector.
  • Stricter validation of the HTTP Host header.
  • Additional capabilities for the CGI Servlet.
  • Added support for the OpenSSL SSL_CONF API. To support this the minimum required Tomcat Native version is 1.2.14.



Apache Tomcat 8.5.x 旨在替代 8.0.x,并包含从 Tomcat 9.0.x 向前推出的新功能。要求的最小 Java 版本和实现的规范版本保持不变,与 8.5.20 相比,8.5.23 显著的变化包括:

  • A fix for CVE-2017-12617.
  • Stricter validation of the HTTP Host header.
  • Add ExtractingRoot, a new WebResourceRoot implementation that extracts JARs to the work directory for improved performance when deploying packed WAR files.
  • Added support for the OpenSSL SSL_CONF API. To support this the minimum required Tomcat Native version is 1.2.14.



转自 http://www.oschina.net/news/89284/apache-tomcat-9-0-1-and-8-5-23