
Redis 桌面管理工具 RedisDesktopManager 0.9.2 发布

Redis 桌面管理工具 RedisDesktopManager 0.9.2 发布

RedisDesktopManager 0.9.2 已发布,Redis Desktop Manager(RedisDesktopManager,RDM)是一个快速、简单、支持跨平台的 Redis 桌面管理工具,基于 Qt 5 开发,支持通过 SSH Tunnel 连接。

bug 修复:

  • Fix #4056: Impossible to add or update field’s values of a Hash
  • FIx #4060: the release 0.9.1 cannot filter by “key
  • Fix #4031: Number of keys in DB not updating after flush
  • Fix #3720: Add support set the max db scan count when first connect the redis-server (default is 20)
  • Fix #4074 & #4050 Fix crash on last row removal


转自 https://www.oschina.net/news/95172/redis-desktop-manager-0-9-2-released