
图形 API 规范 Vulkan 1.1.73 发布:bug 修复版本

Vulkan 1.1.73是自上个月的Vulkan 1.1更新版本以来的最新小调整。 Vulkan 1.1.73没有新的扩展,虽然有一些文档修复,包括关于交换链的说明,包含所有扩展,其他构建系统更新以及对规范的其他一些修复。


Github Issues:

* Refine swapchain association with surface for slink:VkSwapchainKHR, with
matching valid usage statements for slink:VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR and
discussion following the <<swapchain-wsi-image-create-info>> table
(public issue 637).
* Re-remove several valid usage statements from slink:VkImageCreateInfo
that had previously been removed at the time that
ename:VK_IMAGE_CREATE_EXTENDED_USAGE_BIT was introduced. These
statements had incorrectly been restored due to an glitch while merging
from the old `1.0` branch to the current `master` branch (public issue

Internal Issues:

* Fix reference page generation and configure build to generate reference
pages 1.1 with all extensions, rather than core only, as was the case
for the 1.0 ref pages (internal issues 484, 1056, 1205).
* Require that
slink:VkMemoryDedicatedRequirements::pname:prefersDedicateAllocation is
ename:VK_TRUE when
slink:VkMemoryDedicatedRequirements::pname:requiresDedicateAllocation is
ename:VK_TRUE (internal issue 1222).
* Fix Ruby extension code so `diff_html` Makefile target works (internal
issue 1230).
* Update `genRelease` script to generate 1.1 + all extensions reference
pages – but not the single-page HTML / PDF versions, which are even
larger than the API spec (internal issue 1245).


转自 https://www.oschina.net/news/95222/vulkan-1-1-73-released