
CodeMirror 5.41.0 发布,多功能在线代码编辑器

CodeMirror 5.41.0 发布了,CodeMirror 是一款允许在浏览器中的多功能文本编辑器,专用于编辑代码,并附带超过 100 种语言模式和各种插件,可实现高级的代码编辑功能,包括代码高亮显示,功能扩展以及多个主题样式。


Bug 修复

  • Fix firing of "gutterContextMenu" event on Firefox.
  • Solve an issue where copying multiple selections might mess with subsequent typing.
  • Don’t crash when endOperation is called with no operation active.
  • vim bindings: Fix insert mode repeat after visualBlock edits.
  • scheme mode: Improve highlighting of quoted expressions.
  • soy mode: Support injected data and @param in comments.
  • objective c mode: Improve conformance to the actual language.


  • A new selectionsMayTouch option controls whether multiple selections are joined when they touch (the default) or not.


转自 https://www.oschina.net/news/101205/codemirror-5-41-0-released