
material2 发布 7.0.2,Angular 的 Material Design 风格框架

material2 发布 7.0.2 了。Material Design for Angular 是 Angular 官方团队开发的基于最新版本 Angular 的 Material  Design 风格的框架,可和 Nest.js 搭配使用做全栈开发。


Bug Fixes

  • build: material not working with ES2015 (#13709) (e9103a6), closes #12760 #13695
  • button-toggle: webkit tap highlight conflicting with ripples (#13721) (abd0278)
  • cdk-platform: pass {} to @NgModule since passing nothing breaks (#13792) (5abb644)
  • checkbox: disabled property not being coerced (#13755) (cee8c65), closes #13739
  • expansion-panel: don’t handle enter/space if modifier is pressed (#13790) (3e6cc77), closes #13783
  • radio: don’t show hover ripples on touch devices (#13701) (b89c139), closes #13675
  • slide-toggle: don’t show hover ripples on touch devices (#13702) (9d495f1), closes #13675
  • stepper: incorrect border color in dark theme for header with label position (#13791) (afa5a28)
  • stepper: selector assuming that there will always be a dir attribute (#13751) (576118e), closes #13741
  • stroked-button: ripples and focus overlay have incorrect radius (#13745) (7877404), closes #13738
  • tooltip: add fallback for touch devices if Hammer isn’t loaded (#13580) (9ae6c84), closes #13536



转自 https://www.oschina.net/news/101258/material2-7-0-2-released