
Spring Integration 5.4 RC1发布

Dear Spring community,

it’s my pleasure to announce the first (and the last) release candidate for Spring Integration 5.4 generation.

It can be downloaded from our milestone repository:

compile 'org.springframework.integration:spring-integration-core:5.4.0-RC1'

Since the previous milestone 3 this release brings more into bug fixes and some internal improvements according Project Reactor changes with processors.

The most notable features in this release are:

  • The LogAccessor abstraction from Spring Framework is now used internally for better code readability;
  • The ZeroMqMessageHandler and ZeroMqMessageProducer components are now available for one-way interaction with ZeroMq;
  • The ReactiveRedisStreamMessageProducer now provides an error handling logic via sending an ErrorMessage to the errorChannel;
  • The AbstractMailReceiver now has an option to not fetch a MimeMessage content eagerly and lets the downstream flow to decide what and how to do with such a mail message.

See What’s New in documentation for more information.

This version is going to be pulled in the upcoming Spring Boot 2.4.0-M4 release tomorrow.

It is a perfect time now to report (or contribute) bugs and improvements since we are heading for GA in a couple weeks!


转自 https://spring.io/blog/2020/10/14/spring-integration-5-4-release-candidate-1-available