
Qt Design Studio 2.1发布

Qt Design Studio is a UI design and development tool that enables designers and developers to rapidly prototype and create beautiful experiences. Both designers and developers use Qt Design Studio and this makes collaboration between the two a lot simpler and more streamlined.

To get an overview, you should watch this video.

For detailed information about Qt Design Studio, visit the online documentation page.

Figma Support

Qt Design Studio 2.1发布

With Qt Design Studio 2.1 the Qt Bridge for Figma reached production status. Figma is an interface design application with an emphasis on team collaboration.
The Qt Bridge for Figma is delivered with Qt Design Studio as a developer plugin that you can install to the Desktop version of Figma.  The Qt Bridge for Figma allows users to seamlessly import their designs to Qt Design Studio from Figma.

The Qt Figma bridge now supports complex Figma files like you can see in the screenshot. The latest documentation for the Qt Bridge for Figma can be found here.
Please note that Qt Bridge for Figma exports everything to a single archive. Before importing the project into Qt Design Studio you have to manually extract the archive. Then the .metainfo file can be imported. Please refer to the documentation for details on how to import 2D designs into Qt Design Studio.

Improved User Experience

Qt Design Studio 2.1发布

As part of improving the user experience, we have again improved the controls in the property editor. We for example drastically reduced noise in the UI, by showing controls only when hovering them.
We also cleaned up the theming and improved the light theme. The improvements in the property editor are ongoing and there will be more improvements in the next releases.

Component Library Redesign

Qt Design Studio 2.1发布

We also have heavily revised the component library for Qt Design Studio 2.1. While many of the changes are visual, there are also some significant changes to the functionality. For example, we have changed how the components are sorted and categorized.

Another important improvement is the possibility to search in the whole item library and not only in already imported modules. The imports tab has been removed and the functionality has been merged with the components tab to simplify the ui. Last but not least you can now search imports in the add imports view.

Getting Started

As with the previous versions Qt Design Studio 2.1 is also available as a free community version and is now part of the online installer, which lacks the Photoshop, Sketch and Figma bridges. Those can be purchased separately via the Marketplace.

The commercial Qt Design Studio 2.1 Beta is available under Preview > Qt Design Studio 2.1-beta1 in the online installer.

You can find the latest online documentation for Qt Design Studio 2.1 here. The documentation is also available from inside Qt Design Studio.

For Qt Design Studio we created tutorials as part of the documentation.

The welcome page of Qt Design Studio contains examples and links to video tutorials to help you get started.

Please post issues you find or suggestions you have in our bug tracker.

转自 https://www.qt.io/blog/qt-design-studio-2.1-beta-released