
Neptune 7.0 发布

Neptune 7.0 发布

Leszek Lesner has announced the release of Neptune 7.0, a major new version of the project’s desktop Linux distribution based on Debian’s latest stable release and featuring the KDE Plasma desktop: “We are proud to announce the release of Neptune 7 ‘Faye’ named after the member of the Bebop crew in the Cowboy Bebop anime.

This version comes with a new Debian base (11 ‘Bullseye’) that offers newer and better hardware support as well as newer software and applications. KDE Plasma 5.20.5 ships with a new Neptune-specific theme that embraces the Breeze widget style for maximum compatibility and it also introduces a new subtle but modern flat look and feel to Neptune. We also updated the icon theme to our own variation of the Tela icon theme to fit with the new look of the system. The default panel has been modernized to allow pinning more apps and tasks to it as well as offering a new bigger and easier look to the eyes.

Besides that, Linux kernel 5.10 offers modern hardware support as well as bug fixes.” Here is the complete release announcement with screenshots. Download (SHA256): Neptune7-20211223.iso (2,567MB, signature, pkglist).

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